Saturday, June 4, 2011

Letting the Cat out of the Bag

Letting the cat out of the bag.

What an odd expression. What was the cat doing in the bag in the first place? And if the cat was in the bag, perhaps there is a good reason. Maybe it would be best to keep the cat in the bag.

In my case, the cat is my novel and the bag is my big mouth.

When I started writing it, I took some advice to not tell anyone. I adhered to that advice and didn't even tell my wife for quite quite some time. She was the first person I told. For her it was bland news. You must understand, in my house I'm always doing something that's not normal.

"Hey honey. I'm going to make 200 videos on YouTube."

"Hey dear. I'm going to perform stand up comedy."

"Hey babe, I bought a scooter with a roof!"

She's grown immune to my oddities. It's almost expected. Now what I don't think she expects is that I will be finishing said novel and publishing it for the masses. That's not just odd, that's a feat.

As I've started announcing my upcoming novel, people are fairly receptive. Some even congratulated me for taking on the venture. Others confessed that they wished they were able to do something like that. All expressed interest in reading it.

So now the cat is out of the bag. Whatever that's supposed to mean...

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